The World Famous Harlem Globetrotters visited Anchorage, Alaska April 29th and 30th. It was my second opportunity to photograph the clown princes of basketball. It was quite an experience, and one I enjoy.

Getting credentialed for the Globetrotter is an interesting procedure. Most of the time, you contact a media representative, they put your name on a pass and leave it at the arena security office. Not the Trotters. They leave a ticket for you at Will Call. So, carrying about 40 pounds of camera gear, I found myself crammed into a entry way with about 100 people all trying to get to one of the three ticket windows. After 30 minutes in line, and my free ticket, I enter the arena and have to go to the scorekeeper to pick up my baseline pass. Kind of crazy, but I was there.

There are so many reasons why you should like the Globetrotters, from dunks, to ball handeling to comedy. It is really hard to walk away from a Trotters game and not be smiling.

And the dunks, they were amazing. But, let me tell you, sometimes you do not see them coming, even sitting baseline.

But there was something missing this time. Going in to the final seconds of the 2nd quarter you are usually treated to a dribbling exhibition, were one Globetrotter slides all over the court dribbling the ball, but not for this game. Very disappointing.

And why was the Sullivan Arena not packed. Alaska does not get real big events like this a lot, and it has been a while since the Globetrotters were here. The arena should have been packed.

There is not a basketball game you can watch that can make you laugh, cry, and be amazed by the antics of the players like the Harlem Globetrotters.

I hope to see more seats filled the next time the Globetrotters come to town. It is an experience for all ages that should not be missed. Even if you are not a basketball fan, you still need to come.

It is two hours you will never forget.

I hope you enjoyed the images.