I have been wanting to do this for a while. Actually even before I moved to Colorado. At the Great Alaska Shootout they have fans dress up and the fan favorite gets to sit on a couch placed court side to watch the game. But, I moved away. At one of my first football games in Boulder, I saw a fan dressed up in Halo armor and suddenly my idea started to formulate again.
Nothing happened through football season, but then Basketball season started and suddenly I had the chance to move forward on my ideas. I talked to the media contact at the University of Colorado and pitched my idea to him and he was good with it, so then I went to a couple fans that dress up for the games and pitched the idea to them and they loved it. So, we got going on planning and last Sunday I had 9 costumed Buffs fans show up to have photos taken.
I wanted to do something edgy, and so I picked a location in front of a big black poster in the concourse area of the Coors Event Center. On this poster there is a screened photo of a buffalo. What a great background. I used rim lighting via two Vivitar 285’s flashes behind my subjects at an angle, and then my Canon 580 EXII on camera with a grid. I just wanted a little fill light. Yes, I could have pulled the 580 off of my camera, but it was at such low power and just being used for a little fill, it did not make that big a difference on or off camera.
Here are the results!
I would change a couple things. I needed a little more light for Buff Girl, and Flash Buff the pose just did not hit me. But Buff Man and Buff Hair came out just how I wanted….
These photos are available for media use only through Cal Sport Media.