So the article about Chugiak’s Kelly Cobb with my photos is up at MaxPreps.com. Many of you know I shoot for MaxPreps, but not on a regular basis. MaxPreps, from my experience, is a great company, but no matter how much I shoot for them, I just do not see a lot back, so I have kind of gone to shooting only assignments for them…and football and baseball. I will shoot football for MaxPreps because this is one sport that other schools players and parents really get excited about MaxPreps, and I see sales now and again. I will shoot baseball mainly because the season is so short, and I really want to see more baseball exposure for the high schoolers. What would be real nice is if other photographers in Alaska would sign on with MaxPreps. I would love to see three or four more here in the Anchorage/Eagle River area, at least a couple in Fairbanks, and one or two down in South East. If we could have that many photographers in the area, there is a chance that we could swing the ASAA into the “Photographers” view and actually be able to do our jobs. But until other photographers start signing on with MaxPreps, it is not going to happen.
Hey you Eagle River runners. Watch out for the July issue of Runner’s World Magazine. I had an image from the 2010 Bear Paw 5k picked up for a store that should be in that issue. It is a shot of a group of runners turning the corner off of the Old Glenn onto Business Blvd right there at Taco Bell. So you just might be in Runner’s World Magazine!