Shot the Pomona Panthers and Ralston Valley softball game yesterday. Grey skies, and a hint of rain in Arvada started soon after the game was over. Pomona beat Ralston Valley, but I feel the pitching for Pomona was illegal most of the time.
In one of the photos below you will see the Pomona pitcher with both feet in the air. Now while I have not umpired in a few years, and maybe Colorado high school rules differ from everywhere else and every other level, but leaping, or crow hopping, gives the pitcher an unfair advantage over the batter, and thus, both styles of pitching are not allowed. Why the umpire or RV coach did not call attention to this is beyond me. I feel bad for this pitcher if she thinks she will pitch in college. Leaping is not allowed in the NCAA, so why they would allow it here is beyond me. But oh well, I was there to take photos.
Pomona shut RV out and that was a shame. RV has a good team, they just need to find that key bit to click on and they would be tough to beat.
Bellow are five shots from the game. To view or purchase more photos, please visit MaxPreps.