One on One Workshops Available

2013 Year In Review

Workshops  Photo by Isaiah Downing
Photo by Isaiah Downing

Have you recently purchased your first DSLR and fumbling around on how to get the most out of it? Have you been frustrated that your images on your phone look better than that expensive camera you bought? No worries. I am here to help. If you are in the Golden, Colorado area, we can meet for a one on one photo lesson.

It does not matter if you have a Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Sony or whatever type of DSLR camera, I can help you unlock the power of it very quickly. For $100 an hour I can have you up and running quickly with one of my one on one workshops.

Wait, $100 an hour? Typically within an hour, no more than two, I can have you ready to go out and start making phenomenal images with your DSLR. I will not keep you more than two hours and if you pick things up quickly, we can be done in an hour. And for the price of most DSLR systems, $100 to $200 for a one on one workshop with a pro photographer published in major magazines worldwide, it is money well spent.

What I require from you is to bring your camera, at least one lens, and your camera’s owners manual. A notebook and pen for taking some notes would be a good idea. And a positive attitude that you can do this.

Besides getting a handle on your digital SLR camera, I will also go over basic editing with you in Photoshop. This is where you can really make your photos shine.

Email me at [email protected] to get the ball rolling. I am available on your time frame usually and we will meet in a local Golden area like a Starbucks or McDonald’s.

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