So, I did not think I would have another post for the 2011 ERHS Wolves Basketball season, but after the banquet last night, I felt that I needed to do one more.
First of all, I wanted to post a note of thanks. Thanks to all the parents who came up to me at the banquet and thanked me for the Senior Posters, or the action photos, or various other things that I may have done during the season. I want to thank the boosters for giving me bleacher seat #1. While I rarely sit at the games, it is a great seat, and just might find its way onto the baseline of the 2011 Great Alaska Shootout. I was caught off guard by it. Thank you.
We all knew most of the season that we would be saying farewell to one of our coaches, as JV Coach Brad Bowyer and family will be moving to California after the school year.

The boosters and coaches all presented Coach Bowyer with some nice gifts (including a great action shot poster!), and Coach Bowyer was mobbed at one point by the players.

Coach Bowyer had some touching words for the parents, and players, and he will be greatly missed… Best wishes to the Bowyer family as they leave Alaska for sunny California.

But while it was a sad moment for the Eagle River Wolves program, we did not say goodbye to just one coach. I am still processing this bit of news, and my response is to just post photos. But another coach announced last night at the banquet that he would step down. Coach Craig Harrison has resigned as head Varsity coach for Eagle River.

Thank you Coach Harrison, you will be missed.