Finally, what was suppose to hit the newsstands on Tuesday, June 7th, came out today, Thursday, June 9th! The July 2011 Runner’s World Magazine. As I posted earlier, Runner’s World had contacted me wanting one of my photos from the 2010 Bear Paw 5k race. Said it would be a 1/4 page. Pay was right, so we worked out the details, and about 3 weeks ago I got a check. It was real nice getting the whole amount. When you shoot for a wire service, and I shoot for 4 or 5 now, you split the money with them, like 50/50, 70/30, etc, with the larger amount typically going to the wire. So to deal directly with editors and not working through a service, it was a learning experience, and one I hope will continue. I really hope Runner’s World contacts me again for other races.
Anyway, here is the page from this months issue.
A few people who have seen it have commented about how I got the shot. This was with a Canon 1D mkII and a 24-70 2.8 lens on it. I was standing in the middle of the road (Business Blvd.) on a little median in front of a street sign, because I knew that when the runners came around the corner they would split and go down each side.
Here is a Google Maps Street view of the runners perspective as they came around the corner.
It is really an ideal place. The race started down by the old library in Eagle River. That is about 3 or 4 blocks. I started out by standing there with my Canon 7D and 120-300 2.8 lens on it shooting the runners head on from the start. After they ran a couple blocks, I ran over to this position and switched to my other camera. Luckily, we had decent light and colorful backgrounds with clouds and the position was perfect for the encompassing type of shot. There were other shots I would have originally picked over this one, but after a while I started to see why this one was selected.
For the Bear Paw race, I was not shooting anything specific. My sister and some other people I know were running in the race, so I thought I would go down and grab some shots of them. Then after the race the Bear Paw Parade starts. So wandering up and down the street taking pictures of the parade, talking to friends and clients and potential clients is always nice. It is actually a event that I am on my feet for the whole time, that I really enjoy shooting. And that is after a late night at the car show running a mile a minute to finish prepping the car, getting it to the show, and rushing out as the rain starts to fall and every car tries to leave at the same time. So having Runner’s World contact me months after…like 10 months after, wanting one of the shots, just made my day…
After having the above scan from the magazine I found out that there is a small shot on the RWM website and around noon today I found that Carr’s finally got the issue on the newsstand.