A New Look!

For the past 6 years a majority of my photo business has been youth sports, with local little leagues, rec leagues, and high schools. This business has been handled through www.digital-eos.com But a lot of my local customers were unaware that I did anything beyond youth sports. They are surprised to see me sitting baseline of NCAA basketball games, or on the field at a indoor football game.

With all of the photos I shoot each week, the non High School and Youth sports photos needed to go someplace. A lot of what I shoot is on assignment for wire services, but I have been fortunate to shoot for wires that allow me to keep the copyrights to my photographs. And while my wires either have clients lined up, or actively market my photos, this allows me to market them too. So, I set up a online archive where I could present these images, promote myself a little more, and I let it go at that. I got a few jobs from it, including one of my biggest covering the 2008 Voting of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for the European Press Association, but I knew I could be marketing myself better.

www.carlauerphoto.com was born. I bought a new domain. I attached this to my archive and I was good to go. Only, that was all I did. Yes, I was still shooting for wires, covering the sports and news events that take place in the area, but I wanted more. So I started really looking at the business side. I toyed with a lot of different ideas, but everything I looked at was not exactly what I wanted to do. I talked with quite a few of my photographer friends, and they really pushed me to expand carlauerphoto.com into something more. I needed to get away from just uploading images and waiting. Everyone I talked to said that I needed to set up a blog, promote myself and my work, get my images and stories out there more. So, for the last two or three weeks I have been working very hard on this new site. Between learning how to use WordPress for a blog and customizing it how I want it to present my photos, getting all the technical details worked out, I am finally at a point to go live with it. I hope to see it turn into a great resource for clients, other photographers, fans, and more. I expect the first few months of posts to go slow while I update my online archive and organize photos even better than what I have been, and I have a lot of photos on my hard drives at home waiting to be uploaded and shared with the world. As I continue to add to my archive, you will see more and more posts on the site. And, the archive is fully searchable, so, go ahead and type Iditarod or basketball in the search archive link at the bottom of this page or from the navigation bar at the top.

Over time you will also see this site grow. Eventually, digital-eos.com will merge with carlauerphoto.com and this site will truly become your destination for all of your photo needs. So, I hope you will subscribe to the RSS feeds, come back often, comment on photos if you see something you like or if you have questions.

Thanks for visiting.

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